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Selected results of the data set are published on the website. More detailed results and a detailed description of the random sample, as well as the data basis, can be found in the published report. In addition, further analyses (e.g., consumption based on socio-demographic characteristics) are constantly being published here.

Daily energy intake

As part of the Swiss Nutrition Atlas, we analysed a total of over 12 tonnes of food with more than 15.5 million kilocalories, which the 371 households purchased within 14 days. 
Based on the evaluated shopping data, we estimate the consumption of the entire population to be 1,815 kilocalories per capita and day – 1,905 kcal for the adult population. Compared to menuCH, the adult population of our random sample consumed fewer kilocalories. 

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Daily consumtion of macronutrients

The Swiss population consumes an average of 67 grams of protein (equivalent to 274 kcal), which corresponds to 15% of the daily energy intake within the random sample, and 85 grams of fats (equivalent to 792 kcal), which corresponds to 44% of the daily energy intake. Another large portion (42%) of the daily energy intake comes from carbohydrates (188 g; equivalent to 771 kcal). The quality of carbohydrates is important. In our random sample, the Swiss population consumes an average of 83 grams of mono- and disaccharides (“all sugars”; equivalent to 342 kcal; 19% of the energy intake), 45 grams of free sugars (equivalent to 184 kcal; 10% of the energy intake), 38 grams of added sugars (equivalent to 156 kcal; 9% of the energy intake) and 23 grams of dietary fibre (equivalent to 46 kcal; 3% of the energy intake). The ratio of carbohydrates to dietary fibre is 8:20. According to the 10-to-1 rule, at least one gram of dietary fibre should be consumed for every ten grams of carbohydrates in a healthy diet.


Sources of unhealthy nutrition

The identification of the sources of unhealthy nutrition is based on all those products for which both the total content of the nutritional values was estimated and a product category was stored. The figure shows the sources of unhealthy nutrition for the entire sample of the Swiss Nutrition Atlas.

The Swiss Nutrition Atlas identifies the various foods categories (e.g. beverages) as significantly larger sources of sugar consumption compared to the menuCH study. This expressly does not mean that absolute values must have increased, as the average consumption of added sugar per capita and day is significantly lower than in the menuCH study. Whereas according to menuCH the Swiss adult population consumes around 19 grams of free sugars per capita per day from beverages in absolute terms, the Swiss Nutrition Atlas arrives at a figure of about 18 grams per capita and day. According to menuCH, the Swiss adult population consumes 9 grams of added sugar in absolute terms, whereas the figures of the Swiss Nutrition Atlas estimate consumption to be 13 grams.


Proportion of Dietary Patterns in Switzerland

Two households (0.5%) follow a strict vegan diet, completely omitting animal-sourced foods. 29 households (7.8%) follow an ovolactovegetarian diet, avoiding any meats (incl. fish and seafood). Ten households (2.7%) showed a pescovegetarian dietary pattern, avoiding meat, but not fish and seafood. 68 households (18.3%) revealed a flexitarian dietary pattern, restricting meat and fish consumption (for daily energy intake of 2500kcal not exceeding 300g/week (43g/day) meat or 200g/week (28.6g/day) fish). The remaining households (262; 70.6%) were classified omnivorous.

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